Save time, money and nerves with "Systemcopy as a Service
Detailed checks for critical order contents
Transaction IMIG comes with extensive online documentation. It describes the preparations, the general procedure in the form of a quick guide, the individual steps in detail, typical error situations and the problem-solving procedure.
Depends on the extent of splitting and the degree of parallelization. When importing, the limiting factor is often the index structure.
Shutting Down the Target System
Especially in complex environments, SAP system copies regularly represent a critical challenge in terms of time and expertise and thus become a real cost factor in the long run. This is because system copies must be scheduled at an early stage, are complex, time-consuming and resource-intensive, require specific knowledge, tie up important employee capacities due to the large number of manual interventions, and are error-prone.
What is the purpose of copying a complete SAP system? - Well, there are several reasons. Test and development system: After a new productive system has been set up, at least one identical development system or even one test system is still needed. To avoid having to repeat the customizing (settings and configurations of the SAP modules and business processes) on these systems, it makes sense to make a copy. This is clearly the faster way to achieve the goal!
With "Shortcut for SAP Systems" a tool is available that simplifies the SAP system copy and offers additional possibilities.
This is clearly the faster way to achieve the goal!
The delay is actually only caused by the meticulous matching of trivial things, such as directory names.