Service User
Handle the default users and their initial passwords
The P_ABAP (HR-Reporting) authorization object is not required to execute reports, but is intended to improve performance during execution. In addition, it can be used when reports require permissions for info types that the user should not receive in other cases, which is more common. For example, the right to display information type 0008 (basic salary) is also required for the execution of the travel statement reports. The Invoice Payer Programmes also require P_ABAP permissions to process personal data.
To access business objects or execute SAP transactions, a user needs appropriate authorizations, since business objects or transactions are protected by authorization objects with multiple authorization fields. Authorizations represent instances of generic authorization objects and are defined depending on the employee's activity and responsibilities. The authorizations are combined in an authorization profile (Generated profile), which is assigned to a role. User administrators then assign the appropriate roles (single role or composite role) via the user master record so that the user can use the appropriate transactions for his or her tasks.
Extend permission checks for documents in FI
Furthermore, automation is possible with the help of a customer-specific ABAP programme. To do this, you should take a closer look at the AGR_TEXTS table. The table contains the different text blocks in different languages. Here we show you a section of the table with our example role Z_SE63. Short texts are assigned a value of 00000 in the column LINE, and long texts are assigned a value of 00001 to 0000x. The language keys are displayed in the SPRAS column. An ABAP programme now allows you to write the counterparts for the text fields in the target language into the fields in the tables.
When programming your permission check, always check the SY-SUBRC return code and define what should happen in the event of a non-successful permission check, i.e. if SY-SUBRC is not equal to 0. In most cases, an error message occurs and the programme is cancelled.
For the assignment of existing roles, regular authorization workflows require a certain minimum of turnaround time, and not every approver is available at every go-live. With "Shortcut for SAP systems" you have options to assign urgently needed authorizations anyway and to additionally secure your go-live.
Another option, Delete Flags for applications with modified data, is offered to apply the new changes only if Step 2a is executed selectively.
The recommendation is issued in the following categories: Security-relevant SAP information, information on performance optimisation, HotNews, information on changes in legal regulations, and notes on corrections in the ABAP system.