SWU2 Transactional RFC
All the roles that contain the string "ADM" are considered critical, as they usually refer to administrative roles. When identifying critical SAP permissions, profiles and roles, it should be noted that SAP does propose a concept for names, but this is not always taken into account by applications or its own developments.
The dataowner should be the adm of the target system, which you can change (in the Unix console) with "chown adm K12345.DEV" (respectively R12345.DEV for the data file). To change the access permissions, you can use the command "chmod 664 K12345.DEV". Attach transport jobs in the SAP system Once this has been done, you can attach the transport orders in your SAP system to the import queue. This is done by using the STMS -> Import Overview (F5) to display the import queues. Select the import queue of the target system with a double click. After that, you will receive a pop-up under "Additions"->"More orders"->"Attach", which you can use to attach the transport orders to the import queue. In the pop-up you have to name the exact transport order. The correct name for this is as follows: The first three characters are the file extension of the two files you copied into the transport directory. The last characters consist of the file name of the cofiles file. In our example transport the transport would be called "DEVK12345" (deriving from the cofiles file K12345.DEV) This should now return a positive message from SAP and the transport is attached to the import queue. Now you can import this transport into the system just like any ordinary transport order. Step-by-step Summary Copy Cofiles/data file to transport directory Normally /usr/sap/trans, if not —> AL11 -> DIR_TRANS Customise file owners and permissions chown adm chmod 664 In SAP system: STMS -> Import Overview -> Select Import Queue -> Additions -> Additional Jobs -> Attach Enter Transport Jobs ().
Many companies that use or would like to use an SAP Basis system seek advice from external service providers or completely outsource the administration of the system. SAP Basis Consulting is a technical consulting service that covers many tasks and sub-areas related to SAP Basis. Providers include BasisTeam IT Service & Consulting AG, Phoron, Mindsquare and many others.
The core component of SAP Basis is the application layer. It contains one or more application servers and a message server.
Tools such as "Shortcut for SAP Systems" complement missing functions in the SAP basis area.
Only the system administrator should have permission to perform the following actions: Support Packages Download Support Packages Play Support Packages Confirm Successfully Recorded Support Packages Reset Support Package Status Support Packages eliminate errors in the SAP system or make necessary adjustments due to legal changes, for example.
Be it on an ad hoc basis (e.g. release upgrade, DB upgrade, optimization of Solution Manager) or on a permanent basis (e.g. monitoring of operations in SLR, fast reactions in defined exceptional cases, planned maintenance), we have the right team, the appropriate procedures (ITIL) and the modern tools to implement your requirements.